Sep 182013

Time to wrap things up and well, it’s a fact that a Metalectro session can’t feel complete really if there isn’t at least one freebie posted. So, just before we call it a day and wish you all a nice evening here’s today’s only freebie and my pick for the “remix of the day” by a name that hasn’t been featured here that many times yet but is certainly getting more and more posts and something tells me plenty more will follow. So, here’s French Stereo, a duo from Marseille (France) and their remix on M83 and the track “Midnight City”. A track that is definitely going to the opposite direction than my previous rather dark post and an original track that most of you will know and recognise from some very characteristic parts. A very nice remix for all those who love their electro house and appreciate the nice energy boost and ravey sounds, so check it out, grab it and have a great evening!