Aug 132013

Hell-o you all! This is your co-pilot Lady Hellectro writing and this will be not only the sole post i´m blogging today, but also the last one for some days at least! Metalectro is going on vacation, strictly speaking we won´t blog the way you´re used to the next days, but most likely come up with some updates or single posts from time to time, so no reason to panic – we won´t disappear from the screen completely, but take some time off for the second half of August and come back with fully infernal digital powers soon! Last but not least we decided to feature this exclusively done for Metalectro and damn trashy mixtape by MultiDimensionalMusicArt from Mexico here, maybe even the trashiest ever, consisting of some tracks by names you certainly know, as well as names that haven´t been featured here yet before, in any case it´s hard, trashy and loud, so better live up to it – PLAY IT LOUD, HAVE A BANGING HOLIDAY & STAY BRUTAL!!! _|,,|

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