Mar 272012

Hell-o to all and i hope you’re having a great day, despite Soundcloud being a pain since last night with the dashboard and incoming tracks not working right or at all… And as i was running out of options of new stuff to blog due to all the malfunctions, i got lucky enough to receive a pretty nice new EP to post. I found this sitting in my inbox and it’s quite a good one too! The Athenian based, yes Athenian as in Athens, Greece, Space Blanket were blogged here once before a long time ago but now they have their debut EP “Cosmic” out and it’s a pretty nice one too. If you wanna get it you’ll have to get in touch with them though, as it’s only been released in a lmitied number of vinyls. 4 originals, guitars, vocals, distorted synths & basslines, it’s all there… so check it out!
