Feb 222012

This will be th elast post of the day but before i call it a day i still have one track for you and it is no other than my pick for the “remix of the day”. This time i have picked the remix Hot Shit came up with for LeReezo‘s “Andromeda” and the remix competition LeReezo ran in collaboration with ThaF Records. Well, to be honest i missed that remix copmetition somehow so the results of it aren’t exactly known to me as i am writting this but if i had to guess i would say this must be one of the best and possibly winning or at the very list finalists. Anyway, i definitely like this remix a lot, obviously since i picked it for mt “remix of the day”. Big up to Hot Shit for coming up with yet another great track and i certainly hope we listen to a lot more greatness by Hot Shit soon! Check it out!
