Jan 192012

Next i have a preview and it looks like the Decepticons are about to release their 2nd EP. The 1st preview of the new EP is now available to hear on the Fresh Pump Records Soundcloud page and threfore to be blogged as well. The EP is titled “The New World Order” and it’ll be out on Fresh Pump Records in about a week. It’ll be out on the 27 th of January to be precise and it’ll feature 4 original tracks. If i had to take a guess, judging by the preview and the no information suggesting otherwise whatsoever, i’d say there won’t be any remixes on the release but lets wait 1 week before we can be sure about it. The 4 original tracks themsevles sound pretty good though i have to say, so i suggest you check them below and keep an eye out for the official release.
