Feb 172014

Staying on the dark side and here comes some more fresh blood too and the second newcomer of the day on Metalectro, who goes by the name Perturbator. To borrow Perturbator‘s autobigraphical info from his Soundcloud profile, “the legend says he’s half human, half synthesizer”. Well, we can’t confirm neither doubt the legends and folklore surrounding Perturbator but let us tell you that first we like the idea of this legend being true a lot and second we don’t care because we like his music. A mix of 80’s dark electro and synthwave, darksynth as Perturbator himself likes to call it and all those of you who are fans of the style are going to love his work. So, here’s his latest original titled “She Moves Like A Knife” and it’s time to let the synths ( or half synth-half human actually) to do the talking, so press play and enjoy!
