Aug 252011

This will be the last post for today and i’ll keep the bangers coming, you’re on the Metalectro blog anyway so what the hell? Owl Vision‘s “Deathstar” EP was released recently by Comorbid Records and like i said when i blogged the release, besides the original “Deathstar”, i really liked the Skitsnygg remix as well. Today i decided to post that remix and i have to say that i am really getting to like Skitsnygg‘s tracks a lot lately. Aggressive and loud as always, Skitsnygg‘s tracks feel like a punch in the face and somehow he always finds a way to bulldoze his way to your eardrums. And if that’s not enough to like him here on Metalectro then i can’t think what is. Another great remix by Skitsnygg and take this as a warning of what is going to follow by him! Chek it out!!!
